e. info@slimtransformation.co.uk
t. 0330 311 0008
Kickstart a Healthier Lifestyle With Our Weight Loss Plan
Next Day Delivery Available (see T&Cs) | Meal Plans, needles, swabs & more included | Collect points to save money | Unlimited aftercare | Progress tracking tools |
General Advice for Weight Loss
The key principles of a medical weight loss programme include advice & support. In this section, you can find answers to some of the most common questions asked about weight loss and using Saxenda or Ozempic to help aid weight loss. We also look at important factors to consider and take into account when using a medicated weight loss programme.
Our articles have been written in-house, using information from evidence-based research. Where possible, we will always link back to our sources so you can see the results for yourselves.
If you have any questions or need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.